Editions Available

Military Vehicles 1980-Present – Weapons of War

Amber Books

Each volume in the Weapons of War series features 150 of the most significant weapons from military history. Each featured weapon system is illustrated with an outstanding colour profile artwork and is accompanied by detailed specifications, along with a design,... Read moreRead less

Each volume in the Weapons of War series features 150 of the most significant weapons from military history. Each featured weapon system is illustrated with an outstanding colour profile artwork and is accompanied by detailed specifications, along with a design, development and service history. In addition, there is a 16-page introduction with colour and black-&-white photographs putting the weapon into historical context. With more than 150 entries and 150 colour artworks, the Weapons of War volumes build into an authoritative and accessible reference work, which will appeal to anyone with an interest in military technology.

Weapons of War series

Format: 210 x 170mm
Extent: 176pp
Word count: 35,000
Illustrations: 16 col 7 b/w photos & 145 col a/ws

Amber Books

Amber Books Ltd is an independent illustrated non-fiction publisher based in London, UK.

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